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Portland Oregon Estate Planning News

Roots + Wings Legal Podcast, Episodes 2-4: Intellectual Property, Insurance, and Tax Info for Business Owners

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Recently, we held a series of interviews with Professional Partners for business owners in our business membership group. It is so important for business owners to assemble a team of professionals to guide them through protecting themselves and preventing disasters. Here are those interviews.

Intellectual Property Lawyer Amy Graveline

In this interview, we discussed Intellectual Property issues for business owners. We talk about how to protect your intellectual property, pitfalls to avoid, and how to work with an intellectual property lawyer, as well as what you can do on your own. We also talk about the Napster, Adidas vs. Payless, and Old Town Brewing vs. City of Portland cases!

You can find Amy Graveline online or give her a call at (503) 224-7529. Her office is located in downtown Portland.

Insurance Professional Molly Baez

In this interview, we discussed insurance needs for business owners. We talk about some of the pitfalls of professional and liability insurance and how to avoid them, as well as life and disability insurance for business owners. We also discuss my past life in insurance defense litigation.

You can find Molly Baez online or give her call at (503) 235-1545. Her office is in Southeast Portland, Sellwood neighborhood.

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Tax Professional (CPA) Jaimie Eck

In this interview, we discussed tax issues for business owners. We talk about pitfalls to avoid, how to work with a tax professional, and what things look like when you do things right, versus when you don’t do things right.

You can find Jaimie Eck online or give her a call at (360) 824-0022. She operates her home office out of Vancouver, WA, and works with most of her clients remotely.

Hopefully you find these interviews helpful. It is important for business owners to assemble a team of professionals to keep them protected and on the right path.

If you want to get started with business planning, read about our business planning services and schedule an appointment.

To your family's health + happiness,


Candice N. Aiston

P.S. Want to name guardians for your kids? Check out our Guardian Plan kit.


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Candice N. Aiston is an Legal Planning Attorney for Estates + Businesses in the Portland, Oregon area. She helps people to prepare for a lifetime of security, prosperity, and guidance. If you would like to receive her free reports, please visit to sign up. Follow her Facebook page for daily planning tips: