As a Portland, Oregon estate lawyer, I've seen many family businesses flourish across generations. Unfortunately, I've also witnessed others falter during transition, not because of market conditions or competition, but due to inadequate succession planning. The hard truth? Sometimes the biggest threats to your business legacy come from within the family itself.
Read MoreWhile meeting with clients, as a Portland, Oregon estate planning lawyer, I often hear this question: "Should I add my family member to my accounts as a joint owner, or set up a Power of Attorney?" While adding a joint owner might seem like the simpler solution, the answer isn't as straightforward as you might think.
Read MoreAs an elder lawyer in Portland, Oregon, I've noticed a recurring theme when helping families navigate the downsizing process. Parents often struggle to part with possessions because they hope to pass them down to their children. Yet when meeting with adult children after their parents' passing, we frequently hear a different perspective: they feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of inherited items, many of which don't fit their lifestyle or living spaces.
Read MoreAs an estate planning lawyer in Portland, Oregon, I often see couples who view prenuptial agreements solely as divorce protection. However, a well-crafted prenup can be a powerful estate planning tool that helps protect both spouses and their children, especially in blended families.
Read MoreAs a Portland, Oregon estate lawyer, I often meet grandparents who want to provide financial support for their grandchildren while ensuring their generosity doesn't inadvertently create complications. Whether you're thinking about college funding or creating a lasting financial legacy, strategic planning can help maximize your gift's impact.
Read MoreOne of the most frequent questions I hear as a Portland, Oregon trust lawyer is, "Is my estate large enough to justify a living trust?" Behind this question often lies a deeper concern: "Am I making the right choice for my family's future?" Let me share something that might surprise you – the size of your estate is just one small piece of a much larger picture.
Read MoreMany of us drag our feet on changing professional relationships, especially when it comes to legal matters. As a Portland, Oregon estate planning lawyer, I often meet people who knew for years that they needed to find a new estate planning lawyer in Portland, Oregon, whether because their original estate planning attorney retired, or because they moved to Oregon from another state. Perhaps you created your plan decades ago, lost touch with your original attorney, moved from another state, or simply want a fresh perspective that better aligns with your current values and goals.
Read MoreAs a Portland, Oregon probate lawyer, I've witnessed firsthand how scammers exploit families during their most vulnerable moments. The days and weeks following a loved one's passing should be a time for healing and remembrance – not defending against fraud. Let me share some crucial insights to help protect your family during this sensitive time.
Read MoreWhen a child with disabilities receives a personal injury settlement, parents often face a crucial decision: how to manage these funds without jeopardizing essential government benefits. As a Portland, Oregon trust lawyer, I've helped many families protect their children's financial future through special needs trusts, particularly after receiving personal injury settlements.
Read MoreAs a Portland, Oregon probate attorney, one of the most common questions I hear from families is about student loan debt after death. With student loan debt in America reaching unprecedented levels, it's a crucial topic that affects many families during probate administration.
Read MoreAs a Portland, Oregon trust lawyer, I often meet families who've been targeted by aggressive marketing from what's known as a "trust mill." These clients usually come to us worried, clutching generic trust documents that aren't worth the paper they're printed on. While the low prices might have been attractive initially, they quickly discovered that cheap, mass-produced estate planning can cost far more in the long run.
Read MoreAs we embrace the fresh start of a New Year, there’s no better time to address one of the most crucial aspects of family planning: naming legal guardians for your minor children. While it’s not the most comfortable topic to consider, ensuring your children’s care and security is perhaps the greatest gift you can give them—and yourself.
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