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Portland Oregon Estate Planning News

Posts tagged revocable living trust
Portland, Oregon Estate Lawyer on Navigating the Sandwich Generation : A Balancing Act

The "Sandwich Generation" is a term that resonates with many today – individuals caring for both their aging parents and their own children. It's a balancing act that demands time, energy, and emotional resilience. Juggling work commitments, childcare, and eldercare can leave little time for personal needs, leading to exhaustion and burnout. The emotional toll of witnessing loved ones age or struggle can also weigh heavily.

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Leaving a Legacy to Your Nieces and Nephews: What to Know and Why You Need a Portland, Oregon Will and Trust Lawyer

If you share a close bond with your nieces and nephews, ensuring they're included in your estate plan is natural. However, the laws of inheritance can complicate things, especially for younger beneficiaries. Let's unravel the factors to consider.

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Are All Trusts Living Trusts? A Portland, Oregon Estate Planning Lawyer Explains

The word "trust" gets used quite broadly, creating potential confusion. While a "living trust" is a widely discussed instrument for estate planning, it's crucial to understand that not every trust is a living trust. Below our Portland, Oregon estate planning lawyer breaks down the key distinctions.

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Understanding Powers of Attorney, Conservatorships, and Guardianships: Insight from a Portland, Oregon Elder Lawyer

If you've ever questioned the difference between conservatorships, guardianships, and powers of attorney for seniors, you're not alone. As a Portland, Oregon elder lawyer, I often field questions about these distinct yet related legal mechanisms. Here's an explanation to help you understand the nuances of each.

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[Real Estate] The Basics of Estate Planning: A Guide for Real Estate Agents in Portland, Oregon

Hey there, real estate agents! As an estate planning lawyer here in Portland, Oregon, I want to share some valuable insights with you about the basics of estate planning. Understanding this crucial aspect can help you guide your clients more effectively when it comes to taking title to real property. So, let's dive right in!

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[Real Estate] Taking Title: How Living Trusts Can Help Avoid Probate and Protect Your Assets

Real estate professionals: Welcome to our Oregon estate planning blog! Today, we're going to explore the benefits of living trusts and how they can help you avoid probate and safeguard your assets. Planning for the future is essential, and understanding the tools available to protect your hard-earned assets is crucial. Let's dive in!

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Portland, Oregon Trust Lawyer on the Elements of a Valid Trust

When creating a trust with a Portland, Oregon trust lawyer, it is important to understand the specific roles involved. The grantor is the person who establishes a trust. The designated beneficiary is the person who receives the assets held in trust when the grantor dies. Probate is unnecessary because trust property passes outside the last will and testament or intestacy law.

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Estate Planning Lessons from Disney’s Encanto | Portland, Oregon Estate Planning Attorney

In the early part of 2022, many young families spent a lot of time watching Disney’s award-winning animated film Encanto. Repeatedly. While the movie is obviously a great source of entertainment for kids, Portland, Oregon estate planning attorneys have also noticed that it contains a lot of valuable lessons that can help people prepare for their family’s future.

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Portland, Oregon Estate Planning Lawyer: Southwood Case Reminds Us That Incapacity Planning is Important

As we age, our likelihood of mental incapacity increases. After all, our bodies and minds deteriorate as we age. Mental incapacity could result from dementia, stroke, brain injury, or other illness. What is mental incapacity and in what ways can you plan to be best prepared for it?

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Portland, Oregon Trust Attorney: What is the function of a Successor Trustee?

When creating a trust to protect your family, the most crucial choice you will need to make is who will be named as the successor trustee. This is the person who will fulfill the trustee's duties when that person is incapacitated or passes away. This person has a large job, and you want to be sure you trust this person with your personal and financial health as they will be executing your final wishes.

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